India has successfully launched its 46th flight of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C44) carrying Kalamsat, a communication satellite developed by students and India’s military satellite Microsat-R from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, reported Asian News International, ANI.
Addressing media after the launch of PSLV-C44 mission, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chief K Sivan said, “PSLV-C44 mission successfully injected into Microsat – R. The mission is not ordinary; C44 is the first mission of PSLV-DL and is a new variant of PSLV. It’s the lowest altitude the PSLV flown still now. Kalamsat which was built by space kids, they are here and congratulated them.”
PSLV is a four-stage launch vehicle with alternating solid and liquid stages. The PSLV with two strap-on configuration was identified for this mission and the configuration is designated as PSLV-DL. PSLV-C44 is the first mission of PSLV-DL and is a new variant of PSLV. In PSLV-C44, the fourth stage (PS4) of the vehicle will be moved to a higher circular orbit so as to establish an orbital platform for carrying out experiments.