Nagwa, a 20-year-old wife did not hesitate to go to court and file for divorce due to several conflicts between her and her 20-year-old husband. The last dispute was a result of her husband spending a night with his friends, and returning home at 3:00 AM without the burger she had asked for.
Lawyer and legal adviser Hassan Al Marzouqi told Al-Bayan local newspaper: “Unfortunately, many husbands and wives need to be aware that life is not always easy, nor is it free from problems.”
Al Marzouqi added: “Law No. (28) of 2005 On Personal Status stipulates in article 118 that if a clear reason for divorce is not proven, and one of the parties unjustifiably renounces to the engagement, and in the absence of a condition or custom, he shall not be entitled to recover any of the gifts offered by him and the other party may recoup what he has offered.”