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Five-day weather forecast

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts weather over the coming five days to be partly cloudy and humid in general with a chance of fog and mist formations.

Following is a detailed weather forecast issued by the NCM Wednesday for the rest of the week: Thursday: Fair to partly cloudy over some areas, with a probability of some convective clouds will form over the mountains by afternoon.

Wind: Light to moderate southeasterly, becoming Northeasterly and Northerly winds, freshening at times, causing blowing dust and sand with a speed of 18 – 30, reaching 40 km/hr.

Sea: Slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

Friday: Fair to partly cloudy over some areas, with some convective rainy clouds will form eastward, with a probability extend to some Northern and Southern areas by afternoon.

Wind: Light to moderate southeasterly, becoming Northeasterly and Northerly winds, freshening at times, causing blowing dust and sand with clouds day time, with a speed of 20 – 30, reaching 42 km/hr.

Sea: Slight to Moderate in the Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea.

Saturday: Partly cloudy over some areas and some convective rainy clouds will form eastwards and Southwards by afternoon.

Wind: Light to moderate southeasterly, becoming Northeasterly and Northerly winds, freshening at times, causing blowing dust and sand with clouds day time, with a speed of 20 – 30, reaching 42 km/hr.

Sea: Slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

Sunday: Fair to partly cloudy, with a probability of some convective clouds formation eastwards by afternoon.

Wind: Light to moderate Southeasterly becoming Northeasterly, freshening at times, with a speed of 20 – 30, reaching 38 km/hr.

Sea: Slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

Monday: Humid morning westward, becoming fair to partly cloudy eastwards by afternoon.

Wind: Light to moderate Southeasterly becoming Northeasterly winds, freshening at times day time causing some blowing dust, with a speed of 20 – 30, reaching 40 km/hr.

Sea: Slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

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