In connection to the viral video circulated on social media showing boxes filled with piles of dollars,Colonel Faisal AlQasim, Director of Dubai Police Security Media, said the video was secretly taken by an african gang who used the clip to blackmail the man in the footage after he had refused to give in for their claims.
Colonel AlQasim said the scammers tried to deceive the man, whom the gang had lured through social media, promising him to double his money in no time while showing him boxes filled with counterfeit dollars .
“The man who almost fell a prey to the gang, disbelieved their claims and reported the matter to Dubai Police who swiftly took necessary actions to arrest the suspects,” Col AlQasim added.
The director of Dubai Police Security Media urged members of the public to stay alert against all scammers and online strangers, and to immediately report suspicious activities to Dubai Police through the force’s channels including the platform , the emergency number 999 , Dubai Police Call centre 901, or through the (Police Eye) feature via Dubai Police App.