Home / News / The Dubai Court of Appeal upheld life imprisonment for an Asian visitor

The Dubai Court of Appeal upheld life imprisonment for an Asian visitor

The Dubai Court of Appeal upheld the ruling of Dubai public prosecution to convict an Asian visitor of murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Seven other defendants were sentenced one to five years of imprisonment for failing to report the crime and attempting to conceal the body.

An Asian resident staying in the next apartment suspected them and called the police after he noticed bloodstained on three men. The Police managed to arrest one of the defendants minutes before he fleeing through Dubai airport.

During the investigation, the defendant denied the charge before the Criminal Court and claimed he was acting in self-defense after the victim “initiated attack on him with a broken glass”.  He stated that he had come to the UAE a day ago to meet his friend and after dinner he wanted to go to a massage apartment.

A witness from Dubai Police moved to the scene who found a dead body concealed in a medium-size carton box, so a team was formed to investigate the crime.

The defendant stated that while he was waiting in the apartment, the victim came out of one of the rooms and insulted him for no reason, then assaulted him with a bottle of wine.

The defendant was agitated so he went to the kitchen and stabbed him to death with a knife, then he showered with his clothes on before heading towards his friend’s residence where he changed his cloth and shoes.

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