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ADNEC acquires the International Exhibition for National Security and Resilience

The Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC), part of ADQ, has acquired the International Exhibition for National Security and Resilience, ISNR Abu Dhabi.

The leading conference in the MENA region that covers the security equipment sector, including device manufacturing and security technology development, will join the portfolio of leading international exhibitions organised by ADNEC.

The acquisition comes as part of a strategic partnership signed between ADNEC and Reed Exhibitions, enabling ADNEC to further consolidate its leading position in the business tourism sector, and further strengthening Abu Dhabi’s leading regional and international position in a range of strategic sectors. In addition, ADNEC’s decision to acquire the exhibition was further driven by its commitment to holding world-leading exhibitions and conferences in a diverse range of sectors, as part of Abu Dhabi’s economic growth and diversification.

The addition of ISNR Abu Dhabi burgeons the portfolio of exhibitions and conferences organised by ADNEC. These include the International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) and the Naval Defence Exhibition (NAVDEX), the Unmanned Systems Exhibition (UMEX) and Simulation and Training Exhibition (SimTEX) and the accompanying conference, SIAL Middle East, and the Abu Dhabi International Boat Show.

ISNR Abu Dhabi is a leading platform that showcases the latest innovations in the security solutions sector. The exhibition strengthens business relationships for companies protecting critical infrastructure facilities and working in border-control and counterterrorism operations. In addition, the conference enables sectors including crime management; forensic sciences; disaster, crisis, and emergency management; digital security; and safety and security at major events and crowded areas.

Commenting on the acquisition, Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri, Managing Director and Group CEO of ADNEC Group, said: “ADNEC continues to consolidate its leading position in the business tourism sector. We are enhancing our contribution to the economy of the emirate of Abu Dhabi, in line with the goals of Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030, through our diversified portfolio of activities. This high-level event is a strategic addition, demonstrating our commitment to developing the exhibition sector in Abu Dhabi and the region as a whole. This event supports our local and international stakeholders, our exhibitors, and event participants, who can benefit from our considerable industry knowledge and extensive global business network.”

“In acquiring this strategic event, the first revamped edition under ownership of ADNEC will take place in early February 2022, capitalizing on its success during previous years through developing and strengthening its presence, befitting the stature and the reputation of the UAE in the international exhibitions industry,” Al Dhaheri concluded.

Due to the ongoing impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic, Reed Exhibitions has made the decision to cancel the 2020 edition of the exhibition. Accordingly, the next edition will be held in 2022 by ADNEC, which is expected to be the largest in the history of the exhibition since its launch in 2008.

ADNEC is an industry leader in the management of conference centres and development of leading exhibitions. Founded with a vision to become a leading destination for popular, high-profile international conferences in the Middle East and North Africa, ADNEC is a key player in promoting business tourism in Abu Dhabi. The company owns a network of regional and international centres and hotels, and organises a wide range of leading international exhibitions and events.

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