Home / News / Sharjah Crown Prince approves new package of incentives to mitigate economic impact of COVID-19

Sharjah Crown Prince approves new package of incentives to mitigate economic impact of COVID-19

Upon the generous directives of H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, and Chairman of Sharjah Executive Council, SEC, has approved the 2nd stimulus package of Sharjah government incentives to support the government and private entities, business sectors, and individuals in order to boost business continuity and development in various fields and mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak.

The value of the 2nd stimulus package of incentives amounts to AED512 million, whereas the value of the incentives in the first package estimated at AED481 million.

These incentives emanate from the SEC’s keenness to enhance the continuity of development in various fields and mitigate the severity of economic and social impacts that the world is witnessing during this critical period.

Following are the incentives:

Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority

  1. Payment of fees on instalments of the electricity, water and natural gas services for owners of economic, commercial and industrial establishments in several instalments that may exceed two years, in order to contribute to alleviating the financial burdens facing them.
  2. Supporting the owners of various establishments by providing free technical consultations before starting the project to design and implement electricity, water and gas services extensions to save the cost of financial expenses.
  3. Reducing insurance fees for electricity, water and natural gas on economic, commercial and industrial establishments.
  4. Canceling fines for additional electricity loads in economic, commercial and industrial establishments.

Municipalities of the Emirate of Sharjah

Reducing the fees for attesting residential lease contracts from (4 percent) to (2 percent) until 3/31/2021.

Department of Economic Development 1. Continuation of the exemption decision for the renewal of licences for economic establishments, including a fee of three months’ annual fees.

  1. Deduction (50 percent) from delay fines and inspection violations for economic establishments, provided that their owners amend their conditions within three months from the date of the decision.
  2. A 50 percent discount upon issuance of a licence for industrial establishments, in order to enhance the contribution of the industrial sector to the GDP.
  3. Exemption of private nurseries from all government fees for a year.

Sharjah Real Estate Registration Department

Reducing buyer fees for non-GCC citizens from 4 percent to 2 percent of the sale value.

Sharjah Department of Planning and Survey

  1. Leasing of investment property: Investors are exempted from the rent value until the end of 3/31/2021.
  2. Motorbike rental activity sites: Investors are exempted from the rent value until the end of 3/31/2021.
  3. Renting shops: Exemption of tenants by 25 percent of the rent value until the end of 3/31/2021.
  4. Rental of temporary sites: Exemption of tenants by 25 percent of the rent value until the end of 3/31/2021.

Extension of the payment period for 24 months for the splitting of multi-storey transactions.

  1. Facilitating the payments to investors and tenants by paying instalments for the returned cheques to the end of the current year.

Private Education Authority

  1. Private nurseries: Exemption from fees for renewing educational licences for 94 nurseries for a year.
  2. Private schools: Exemption from fees for renewing educational licences for 115 schools for an academic year 3. Training centers: Exemption from educational licence renewal fees for 65 training centers for a year.

Sharjah Seaports, Customs and Free Zones Authority

  1. Exemption of all merchant and wooden ships from berthing and loading fees in both the Sharjah Creek and Khor Hamriyah Free Zone.
  2. Reducing fees due on port operations by 20 percent on handling, loading and unloading fees, associated fees, and marine charges.
  3. Exemption of all bulk cargo from storage fees for a period of 90 days.
  4. Reducing the tariff of truck stops in Sharjah ports by 50 percent within the designated areas.
  5. Exempting all shipping and customs clearance companies from the bank guarantees required to carry out their activities.
  6. Exemption of all commercial companies from inspection fees.
  7. Exempting companies operating in the free zones from fines for delaying the renewal of licences.
  8. Exemption from visa fines in free zones.
  9. A 50 percent discount on the corporate share transfer fee.
  10. Discount from 20 percent to 50 percent on new licences, depending on the commercial activity.

Sharjah Entrepreneurship Foundation, Ruwad

Postponing the payment of instalments for projects financed by the Foundation of three months instalments.

Roads and Transport Authority, RTA 1. A 50 percent discount on RTA violations from 1/1/2020 until the end of the year for violations issued before 11/1/2020.

  1. 25 percent discount on rental fees for taxi plate numbers, starting from 1/7/2020 until the end of the year.
  2. Exemption of limousine companies (Sharjah Transport Solutions LLC, Bee’ah, Limousine Company) from trip fees for 2020.
  3. Exemption of taxi vehicles and the operator of the public transport network from the following fees as of 7/1/2020 until the end of the year: – Fees for quality control services for taxis and operator of transportation networks.
  • Operating fees at Sharjah Airport.
  • Rental fees for the bus stop to the operator of the public transport network and charges of concession fees.
  • Canceling RTA violations before 2015.

Department of Civil Aviation

Reducing licencing fees for travel companies, agencies and tourism companies by 50 percent until 2021.

Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  1. A 50 percent discount for affiliated members of the Chamber from the previous fees until the end of 2018
  2. Exemption of companies from participation fees in the Sharjah Excellence Award.

Sharjah Book Authority, Sharjah Publishing City

Offering discounts of up to 35 percent according to specific requirements and criteria that include: 1. Reducing the prices of comprehensive packages – new customers.

  1. Reducing fees for independent licences.
  2. Reducing rental fees.
  3. Offer to reduce burdens for existing customers by rescheduling payments and exempting rental fees.
  4. Providing facilities in the instalment payment system.
  5. Reducing the comprehensive licencing packages for newly registered companies in the Business Centre.
  6. Discounts on independent licences.
  7. Reduction in rental fees per square meter.
  8. An offer to reduce burdens provided to existing clients by waiving rental fees and rescheduling payments.

Sharjah Media City, Shams

  1. Providing licencing or renewal discounts of up to 30 percent according to specific requirements and criteria.
  2. Offering a long-term (3-year) fee reductions for commercial licences.
  3. Offering competitive packages for specific categories such as the women entrepreneur package, the entrepreneur package, and the media companies in order to attract business and stimulate their growth.

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