Home / News / UAE residents promote ‘#TogetherWeRecover’ hashtag on social media

UAE residents promote ‘#TogetherWeRecover’ hashtag on social media

UAE residents have interacted with the hashtag, “#TogetherWeRecover,” on social media, underscoring the sense of community awareness about the importance of recovery and the return to normalcy after taking the approved coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

The official and popular interaction with the hashtag also highlights the cooperation of Emirati citizens and residents in countering the coronavirus by immunising the community and taking the vaccine, to support the national efforts aimed at protecting the community’s health.

The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) shared several awareness messages on its official social media accounts urging Emirati residents to take the COVID-19 vaccine, most notably senior citizens, people with chronic diseases, and people of determination over the age of 18.

The NCEMA also stressed that, in line with the vision of the UAE’s leadership and due to the efficiency of the country’s health sector, which is ranked among the best in the world in addressing the pandemic, the COVID-19 vaccine has been approved by the country, as it complies with strict global standards.

Under the same framework, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced, via Twitter, that the vaccine is available in several health centres around the country free of charge and without the need to reserve an appointment. It also announced the names of hospitals and centres offering the vaccine.

In a televised interview, Farida Al Hosani, the official spokesperson for the UAE health sector, stressed that the UAE is considered among the first countries to approve an emergency licence for the vaccine in October 2020, noting that there is evidence of its efficiency and safety.

Dr. Al Hosani also pointed out that senior citizens and people with chronic diseases are prioritised to receive the vaccine, as they are more susceptible to infection.

Under the hashtag, #TogetherWeRecover, Emirati citizens and residents expressed their desire to take the vaccine, to immunise the community and overcome the virus. They also expressed their pride at the efforts of the UAE and its leadership to counter the pandemic.

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