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Expected weather forecast for the coming days

The “National Center of Meteorology” state the weather situation in the country from today until next Thursday:

• The movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which moves towards the north of the Arabian Peninsula and then retreats to the south, leads to surface and upper depressions from the south towards the north, and the flow of moist air masses from the Arabian Sea and Oman Sea towards the region and the country.

• With rising temperatures during the day, convective rainy clouds shall form over different regions of the country, especially in the east and south, and also extend over Al Dhafra region, accompanied by lightning and thunder at times.

• The weather during this period is expected to be partly cloudy to cloudy at times with the formation of convective rainy clouds of different intensity over separate areas of the country, especially in the eastern, southern, and western regions, starting in the afternoon and extending to the beginning of the night at intervals.

• Winds are moderate in speed and fresh to strong at times, with convective clouds leading to blowing dust and low horizontal visibility.

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