The Sharjah Charity International (SCI) announced the building of 36 charitable endowment shops, over the first half of 2023, in a number of assisted countries.
Shops are implemented in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SCI regional offices, within the framework of the expanded work to achieve development for people in developing countries, help individuals to live decently, enhance the value of humanitarian work.
Mohammed Abdulrahman Al Ali, Director of SCI Projects and External Aid Department said that the charitable endowment shops stem from “Juffair Al Khair” projects that target people with no income, by providing a fixed source of income, which will help then rely on themselves without asking and waiting for aid.
He stated that SCI focuses on implementing quality projects directed mainly towards the needy and ensure their self-reliance to achieve decent life and direct the results of living aid to be used in the implementation of other humanitarian projects in other regions and countries.
He added that SCI, represented by the Projects Department and External Aid, in coordination with the country’s embassies and the association’s offices, undertakes the construction of endowment shops among the communities most in need, in light of the studies that are conducted from time to time, to determine the needs of the residents of those areas, whereas the proceeds will help their families, develop and sustain the project.
He explained that the endowment shop project was implemented in ten countries in Asia and Africa, with 18 shops in the Philippines, 5 shops in Niger, 5 shops in Benin, 3 shops in Bangladesh, 3 shops in Cambodia, one shop in Ghana and another in Senegal, pointing out that SCI will expand the endowment shop project during the coming period as one of the sustainability projects.
He thanked the donors who took the initiative and rushed to support this project and contributed to providing a source of income and a decent life for the beneficiaries.
He also thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UAE embassies in the countries included in the project, and SCI regional offices.