Home / News / UAE to experience an extension of a surface low pressure from next Wednesday evening to Thursday: NCM

UAE to experience an extension of a surface low pressure from next Wednesday evening to Thursday: NCM

The UAE is affected by an extension of a surface low pressure from the Red Sea accompanied with humid Southeasterly winds from next Wednesday evening to Thursday, according to the latest weather update issued by the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM).

From Sunday to Wednesday daytime:

Local convective rainy clouds formation with a probability of hail over Eastern areas and extend over some internal and Western areas.

From Wednesday evening to Thursday:

The country is affected by an extension of a surface low pressure from the Red Sea accompanied with humid Southeasterly winds, with an extension of a low pressure from the Northwest and a flow in the upper air levels with a progress of different types of clouds accompanied by convective clouds associated with moderate to heavy rainfall over scattered areas with lightning and thunder at times and a probability of hail, starting from the West by Wednesday night and extends over most areas of the country on Thursday and centered over western, coastal and some Eastern areas.

On Friday and Saturday:

Cloud amount decreases gradually with a continuity in a chance of light to moderate rainfall maybe heavy over some Southern and Eastern areas.

Moderate to fresh Southeasterly to Northeasterly winds and strong at times especially with convective clouds and causing blowing dust and sand reducing the horizontal visibility.


Moderate and rough at times especially with clouds in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

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