Sharjah Police arrested an (Asian nationality) criminal and recovered all the monies and the stolen goods worth AED 108,400 found in his possession, after a report submitted by one of the gold and jewelry shop owner in the Emirate. The victim stated that the defendant invited him to an apartment in Sharjah and claimed that he would buy gold bars from him and then fled with the gold bars.
The defendant admitted his crime during the investigations and his plan to escape abroad, then he was arrested and transferred to the Public Prosecution in Sharjah.
Brigadier Ibrahim Musabah Al-Ajil, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department of Sharjah Police stated that great efforts were exerted by the team to follow up the case, in cooperation with a number of state police entities which identified the suspect and monitoring his movements. He was arrested while he was trying to leave the country through one of the border crossings after the suspect offered some stolen gold bars for sale to two jewelry stores in one of the emirates.
Brigadier Al-Ajil called on the jewelry shops owners to abide by the laws and commercial regulations in the country, and not to respond to invitations to unknown and insecure places under the pretext of concluding deals, and to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their properties.