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Dr. Omar Al Hammadi: Chlorine dioxide gas does not treat viruses

Dr. Omar Al Hammadi, the official spokesman of the news briefing on the developments of “COVID-19”:

• The danger in some promoted commercial products does not lay in the potential side effects, but in the dependence on them for protection instead of following the precautionary measures.

• Some people assume that chlorine dioxide gas is suitable for treating viruses, hence they extend the use of chlorine to other matters which lead to lung, kidney and heart diseases. We warn against using any product without consulting the specialists.

• The risk of acquiring an infection during practicing sports increases with the number of participants. For example basketball, team sports and football are more dangerous than individual sports such as running, lifting weights or tennis.

• The breathing rate during practicing sports is higher than normal, which increases the chances of transmitting the virus through droplets to others. Therefore, it is necessary to wear masks in the absence of physical distancing.

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