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UAE Press: Illegal overstayers must make use of amnesty

In an editorial on Wednesday, the Gulf News said that come 1st August, anybody currently living and working in the UAE without proper documentation will have three months to avail himself or herself of a general amnesty offered to illegals.

“And to facilitate the regularisation of status, the UAE government has set up nine centres across the nation where overstayers can regularise their residency status or, alternatively, leave the country without paying fines,” the paper added.

“Make no mistake, anyone who is living here without proper documentation or with an illegal status ought to think very clearly about making use of this generous offer. Failing to do so will only result in the authorities bringing the full weight of the law on these illegals once the amnesty period is over.

“At all times, the government and authorities of this nation need to know exactly who is living here and it is incumbent upon everyone to ensure that the safety and security of the UAE remains intact and uncompromised. Those who are living here without the correct visa status leave themselves vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous employers who may be tempted to subvert the standards for wages and working conditions provided for by the government. Clearly, any employer who may be tempted to continue this illegal and immoral practice will face punitive measures,” the Dubai-based daily continued.

It concluded, “These have not been the easiest of times recently, and some without papers might have overstayed after losing employment. This amnesty period offers an opportunity to rectify this situation. Similarly, relatives who might have visited the UAE and who stayed on, can now put their paperwork in order. For 90 days after 1st August, the amnesty centres will be open and all living here illegally will do well to use their services the sooner the better.”

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