Dubai Police has solved a mysterious and complex hit and run accident, under the supervision of Maj. Gen. Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Criminal Investigation at Dubai Police. With the lack of eyewitnesses or information about the suspect that may facilitate the search and investigation, in addition to the lack of any data on the vehicle that caused the accident since the crime scene had no surveillance cameras. However, Lieutenant Ahmad Khalfan Al Hajeri’s intelligence, diligence and perseverance in the follow-up and investigation over six consecutive months, the driver was arrested.
Brigadier Abdullah Khadem Sorour, head of the Bur Dubai police station, stated: “A report from the operating room was received about a hit and run accident in Al-Quoz industrial area, where a man was hit with a car and the driver fled the scene. The victim, an Asian citizen, was not using the designated pedestrian crossing and was exposed to the car. A shoe pair and a piece of Toyota logo were the only evidence found in the scene. The injured was transferred to Rashid Hospital after he was injured with multiple fractures and the need for surgical intervention and medical care, he also went in a coma for three months.
The investigator Lt. Ahmad Khalfan Al Hajeri, who was assigned to carry out the search and investigation of the driver, explained that the work search and investigation and the collection of evidence took around 6 months of continuous work, and it was found through the investigation that the driver fled the country, and involved his son in the crime coverage by asking him to fake a collision in order to conceal the effects of the accident on the car, but despite their careful planning, they did not succeed in escaping the law.